If I understood correctly (my English is not very good) I think the same as you, there is already a no_avatar.gif as part of prosilver and a no-avatar class in the viewtopic template, then, why was that image not connected to the class in CSS? I think it should appear...There is already a no_avatar.gif as part of prosilver and a no-avatar class in the viewtopic template. I wonder why that image was not wired into the class in the CSS.
You have to upload a ‘no avatar’ image for the group first.
Thanks for the link, I'm going to try it.Hello,If you're interested, I've just created a simple little extension that displays the no_avatar.gif image in topics and pm's if the user hasn't selected an avatar.but I don't like touching the code in the phpbb files
Anyway, doing what they mentioned above works, I delete the current "no_avatar.gif", select the image "no_avatar.gif" and set it to the group, then it is shown everywhere.
I make a comparison with the fresh install from 3.3.11 and the one upgraded from 3.0.11 and everything is exactly the same. In one it shows (the fresh install) the other does not
Statistics: Posted by wonder_wonder — Sun Mar 24, 2024 12:19 pm